When drivers do not pay attention to what they are doing while operating a vehicle, an accident often results. Whether a fender bender, one with serious injuries or a fatal accident, it has the potential to cause pain and suffering for many years to come. Texas police recently arrested a woman after a fatal accident claimed the life of another woman.
According to news reports, the evening accident happened near a major retail grocery store. The victim was riding her motorcycle, attempting to flee the scene of another accident when she crashed her bike. A woman in a sedan came upon the scene and ran over the woman as she lay in the road.
The victim was taken to a nearby hospital but did not survive. Police arrested the woman who had been driving the sedan and planned to charge her with manslaughter. She was taken to the county jail to await further action. At the time of the report, police did not know whether she had been involved in the first accident.
Should she be found guilty of manslaughter in criminal court, this woman will have to live with the consequences the rest of her life. The family of the victim may be entitled to pursue claims for financial damages by filing a wrongful death lawsuit in civil court against the accused woman. Those in Texas who have had to endure the tragic aftermath of a fatal accident can speak to an attorney about the options they have for remuneration.