Drunk driving has been the cause of far too many deaths on Texas roadways. Some of those who drink before driving do not feel any different, not realizing their reaction time has been affected. Others simply do not care whether they injure another person or that they are the cause of a fatal accident. Police say a 19-year-old man caused a fatal accident after he had been drinking.
A report says the 2 a.m. crash happened when the young man was driving the wrong way on a highway. The head-on collision caused the vehicles to catch on fire, leaving the other driver unable to escape. He died in the fiery blaze. The young man who presumably caused the crash, got out of his vehicle, seemingly unhurt, and attempted to flee.
Police apprehended the man when he tried escaping the scene in another person’s car. While in custody, he failed sobriety testing and reportedly admitted to police he had been drinking while at a club in town. Officers charged him with failure to stop and render aid and intoxication manslaughter. Police also may cite some of the employees of the club that served the underage man.
In the sudden loss of a loved one in a fatal accident, family members may not know where to turn or what steps to take next. Many in this situation have filed a wrongful death lawsuit in an effort to obtain a financial award that would take care of final expenses, if granted. The process might be complicated depending on the circumstances, but a Texas attorney can explain in terms the clients can understand as they seek justice through legal recourse.