Consumers place their faith in the government oversight agencies charged with safeguarding their health and well-being. However, these agencies may sometimes fail to take swift action when it comes to recalling a potentially dangerous product. Texas consumers who suffer adverse health consequences or incur substantial monetary damages from defective products may have grounds for legal recourse.
Recently, the Food and Drug Administration announced that testing had found the presence of a probable cancer-causing contaminant in a popular heartburn medication. Both the brand name, Zantac, and off-brand versions of ranitidine medication were found to contain levels of the contaminant, nitrosodimethylamine, (NDMA). The FDA stated that the levels were slightly above the recommended safe levels and that it was unlikely that significant harm would result.
The FDA was prompted to conduct testing after an independent laboratory carried out testing on its own to assure the quality of the medication. Purportedly, the founder of this lab decided to check the purity of the medication after his daughter was prescribed the medication by her physician. The lab, Valisure, which checks the quality of all medications its provides, found levels of the contaminant that greatly exceeded the FDA’s recommendations. It has since pulled all versions of the product from its supplies.
Valisure took further actions by contacting the FDA and urging it to issue a recall and warn consumers over the possible dangers of ingesting the medication. The FDA stated that a recall was not necessary and suggested that concerned consumers contact their medical providers if they want to switch remedies. Blood pressure medications that contained the same contaminant were pulled from the market in a previous recall. Texas residents who suffer physical harm from a dangerous product do have recourse to seek appropriate remedies. A personal injury attorney can assess their claims and provide guidance in filing a claim against the manufacturers or other parties in pursuit of a monetary judgment for the damages they sustained.