Nursing home negligence: Death of resident raises questions

Nursing home negligence: Death of resident raises questions

On Behalf of | Jul 8, 2020 | Wrongful Death |

Many Texas families have to rely on adult care facilities like nursing homes to take care of aging loved ones. These families put their trust in the facilities that seniors will be treated competently and with compassion, and that is generally what happens. Sadly, far too many residents become victims of nursing home negligence, often due to the action or inaction of employees. One out-of-state nursing home recently came under fire after the death of one of its residents that may have been the result of employee negligence.

Local police say that the state adult abuse reporting center reached out to them late last year to report possible abuse of a resident at a care center. The patient at the center of the claim suffered a fall that ended up resulting in death. Witnesses alleged that a nursing aide claimed the patient fell out of his chair in his room. However, the injuries were severe enough that one witness said the patient’s doctor was suspicious about that account of events.

Eventually, the nursing assistant reported to police that he’d given the patient a bath and then put him into a wheelchair with no restraints that would prevent a fall. He claimed the patient fell when the assistant was cleaning up and that he couldn’t immediately radio for assistance as his radio was charging. One witness claimed the assistant told her two different stories that seemed to indicate he was hiding the truth. The patient ended up dying from his injuries at a medical center a day and a half after the fall, and the assistance has been charged with gross misdemeanor criminal neglect and mistreatment of residents.

No matter the outcome of these charges, the family of the patient who died may choose to file a wrongful death claim against any parties deemed responsible, such as the nursing assistant or the nursing home itself. Those at fault need to be held accountable, which an attorney with experience in cases involving nursing home negligence can do. Any Texas families in a similar situation may want to consider similar action.