Nobody likes doctor appointments. However, if you’re dealing with a chronic health issue, you might have to make repeated visits to your primary care physician or a specialist. Perhaps your doctor has recommended surgery. If you’re feeling nervous, this is normal. There are many highly skilled surgeons in Texas, but medical malpractice is also problematic in many areas. This is why it’s important to be your own patient advocate.
If you have surgery that requires general anesthesia, you won’t be aware of what anyone is saying or doing in the operating room. This means you can’t monitor safety. You have to trust that your entire medical team will do what they’re supposed to do and will adhere to protocol regulations and safety standards.
What are the most common types of surgical errors?
When you have to have surgery, it’s understandable that you want to learn more about the surgeon who will be performing the operation. How many times has he or she successfully performed this particular procedure? You shouldn’t have to police your medical team. However, it’s a good idea to talk to them ahead of time to make sure they will do everything possible to avoid the common surgical errors listed here:
- Wrong site surgery. Your surgeon is responsible for making sure he or she is operating on the correct body part.
- Wrong patient. Nurses and others should double check your identity before performing surgery on you.
- Incorrect procedure. If you’re scheduled for knee surgery, you shouldn’t awaken to learn your surgeon performed hip surgery by mistake.
- Are you getting the correct medication in the proper dose by correct means?
Your nurses understand exactly how to keep you safe when it comes to administering medication. They have a checklist to follow so no errors occur. There are also stringent protocols in place to avoid other types of negligence, such as not turning a patient who is immobile so that he or she doesn’t develop bed sores.
These are all never events
If you suffer an injury or illness because of medical error, it classifies as a never event when it was a preventable error that should never occur. Hospitals have patient advocates. You can ask to speak with one if you’re concerned that you’re not receiving proper care.
Many Wisconsin medical malpractice victims take their cases up in court by filing personal injury claims against those deemed responsible for their injuries.