Taking action against birth injury in Texas

Taking action against birth injury in Texas

On Behalf of | Nov 17, 2016 | Birth Injury |

Babies are born in Texas hospitals (and others throughout the nation) every day without incident. However, there are also many recorded occurrences where what was supposed to be joyful occasions became tragedies when families’ lives were turned upside down because of birth injury or infant fatality. Such horrific events are often caused by medical negligence.

Learning that a newborn baby has been permanently disabled for life is obviously a devastating experience. Yet, many mothers and fathers go through this because injuries that occur at birth are often very severe. Whether something went wrong as the baby made his/her way out of the birth canal, or problems began before delivery through misdiagnosis or other substandard prenatal care, a parent has the right to pursue justice against any and all parties deemed responsible for a child’s injury.

Going to the hospital to have a baby and coming home to face decisions regarding the child’s burial is beyond sorrowful. Although nothing can take the place of the loss of a child, it is during the aftermath of such tragic situations that many parents seek monetary judgment on the behalves of their deceased loved ones. Successfully litigated claims provides compensation that can at least help alleviate debt sustained from funeral expenses and other costs associated with the incident.

At Marynell Maloney Law firm, PLLC, helping you obtain the restitution you deserve for your suffering is of paramount importance to us. Our compassionate and dedicated team of attorneys understands the laws that govern birth injury and other medical malpractice matters. We are committed to providing sound counsel and effective representation as you seek recourse for your losses in a Texas court.