Misdiagnosis: Court sides with patient over delayed diagnosis

Misdiagnosis: Court sides with patient over delayed diagnosis

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2021 | Medical Malpractice |

There are so many medical conditions and treatments that rely on a timely diagnosis. In the case of cancer, a misdiagnosis for Texas patients could cost them their lives. A court recently determined that a veteran’s delayed diagnosis of skin cancer may have increased the chance that he will experience a recurrence and thus awarded him nearly $2 million in a medical malpractice lawsuit.

The veteran says that his case started in 2013 when he had a CT scan for a lump in his neck. He claimed the lump had been there for three months and that his primary care physician ordered the scan, which was analyzed by a radiologist. They allegedly told the man that nothing in the scan indicated a need for a biopsy and he assumed that was the end of the matter. He claims that nearly two years later, he found a new, fast-growing lump on the side of his face. After a new scan and biopsy, the man was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma.

The man filed a lawsuit against the U.S government, as he had been treated at a Veterans Affairs center. His representatives argued that a timely diagnosis may have reduced his chances of a cancer recurrence. The care providers are accused of not using proper testing that would have resulted in a diagnosis. The court agreed with the veteran and awarded him $1.95 million in damages.

Patients of all kinds rely on medical professionals to provide a proper standard of care. When that doesn’t occur, the results can be disastrous. A misdiagnosis may mean costly medical treatment and a decreased quality of life. Texas families may want to rely on the experience of an attorney who has handled medical malpractice claims. A civil claim may be the best means of holding responsible parties accountable and providing a patient with the best quality of life that may be possible.